In 1967, the editors of Tiger Beat magazine devised a set of questions for the Monkees. Now SPECS OPTICAL puts them to you. Visit SPECS OPTICAL on Facebook to share your questionnaire answers.
1. How would your mother describe you in one word? ENTERPRISING. (I ASKED HER.)
2. What is your favorite flower? PEONY.
3. What is the most insane question you’ve ever been asked? DO YOU HAVE THAT IN MY SIZE?
4. What word in the English language do you wish you had invented? YIKES!
5. Where would you like to live? COASTAL CONNECTICUT.
6. What is the first quote that comes to your mind? “TASTES LIKE MORE.”
7. What animal best describes the kind of girl (or boy) you’d be interested in? A CRAB.
8. What do you miss about your childhood? THE SMELLS OF FARM LIFE.
9. If you could change your name, what would you change it to? YAMA.
10. What is the main fault in your character? MY LACK OF FLEXIBILITY.
11. Who is your favorite historical figure? JOAN OF ARC.
12. Describe how you kiss in one word. SWEETLY.
13. If you met the right girl (right boy) today, would you propose tomorrow? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!
14. What in the world do you least desire? BEING RUSHED.
15. Why do you think most girls (most boys) date you? DID ANYONE SAY I EVER DATED?
16. Finish this sentence: “Happiness is a thing called…” A DOG.